Saturday, August 8, 2009

Couldn't have said it better myself

Life is quite different here and of course I'm busy comparing it to Burma instead of the US. So one of the frustrations is getting around the city. Apparently this isn't the safest place to live and several teachers have been mugged at gun point and one actually pistol whipped. Well, getting a taxi is a challenge since we have been warned that some taxi drivers pick you up and then take you to a random place, rob you and then dump you off! Nice. Well, one of the other teachers here has updated his blog with a run down on what getting a taxi is like here. Check out his blog and look for the taxi post...

p.s. you can tell he teaches high school English

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Stunning that Bolivian experience should pale at times to your Myanmar escapades. His writing is great - I think I will follow his blog (yeah and his pic is cute too:-)
WTF?? You have cajonas chica... I don't know how you do this foreign crap.. it's too hard. America may be boring but at least its predictable and well, safe.
Keep the updates coming.... (this is KL by the way, checking in from the good ole mountain town of Salida.. and maybe a little tipsy on white wine...)