Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tune Up?

I am not one to talk, but today I was talking to an old friend. He is in his mid forties, single, never married, no kids. He just broke up with his girlfriend and his good buddy is basically in the same boat. Now let me remind you that I'm not one to talk, but I said, what is wrong with you two? (I can say this because they are both actively looking for "romance") Of course the typical reply that women are crazy came up and I said, yeah, but all your friends and family members are married. He decided to explain to me that settling on a crazy women would be like settling for a car that was severely out of alignment. The car, because of is alignment "issues" would pull you around in all directions and well - he doesn't want to drive a car like that. HA, how do you like that?

1 comment:

T.W. M-J said...

I recall in High School thinking it was cool whenever my buddies and I were either 'in' or 'out' of a relationship at the same time as it meant we typically did not feel as pulled apart by our different lifestyles.

mid-40's is a bit old for that kind of game isn't it?

Also, this guy's description of 'crazy' women sounds typical. Did you have a mirror with you that you could have held up and said 'pot, meet kettle'. Are most of his girlfriends 10-15 years younger than him? Me thinks it's time someone actually grew up, otherwise I'm going to have to fend off competition in the retirement home b/c this guy's options are getting pretty limited.

Maybe he and his buddy are in a 'bro-mance'?