Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lovin' the south

I love that there is so much wildlife here. I can go to the lake and see turtles, alligators, and lots of birds and not just sparrows, but herons, egrets, sandpipers, cardinals! (when is the last time you saw a RED bird?). My parents backyard is virtually a little sanctuary in of itself. The carolina anole is the coolest little lizard! I could do without the roaches, spiders, and freaking horseflies but I guess that's the price for the other stuff. Oh, the other night I rescued a little froggie from the pool :)

I love sweet tea. Although I'm pretty sure that the devil is responsible for concocting this special brew.

I love vegetation. I do miss huge outcrops of rocks but I love the thick, deep, green, dark pine forests.

I love the beach. The cool breeze coming off the water while the water cleanses and renews the land.

I love the tide and how the beach changes each hour.

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