Saturday, June 21, 2008

Poor sick mama

The story is very long, so I'll summarize it for you... my mom started getting this horrible ear pain and she chalked it up to getting water in it while swimming, so went to the doc and he thought she had and infection so she got some antibiotics. Well the pain wasn't going away and she woke up to swollen lips and eye on one side of her face (her left eye is so swollen it won't blink, see picture). After a CAT scan and MRI with no scary tumors the doc decided (over the phone) it was probably shingles. Seriously. We've been playing HOUSE (I think more like Scrubs) and started researching shingles. The family does not unanimously agree, but as far as I'm concerned my mom has shingles. I guess we'll find out for sure on Monday.

1 comment:

NaRiHo said...

I hope for her shake it is NOT Shingles! Not on the face that would be very serious!