Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2 LONG days and 1900 miles later

Twenty minutes east of Denver and here's what you got... a whole lot of nothin'

Hmmm... that's weird, is that fog? I haven't seen fog in years. Are we decreasing in altitude?

WHAT? A fog bank in Colorado? Saw an elevation sign, nope... still over 5,000 ft. I spent over a half hour driving through the fog. The visibility was terrible. Luckly not much traffic in Eastern CO.

Ahhh, Kansas. Hard to see, but I passed a windmill farm. Kind of cool on the flat Kansas landscape. I really enjoy driving across KS. Not much traffic and visiblity for days.

Due to the weather along I-70, I decided to take the southern route to I-40, so in Salina, KS I drove south to Oklahoma... here is the very brown Arkansas River.

Spent the night in Conway, Arkansas... Motel 6, yes cheap, but disgusting... up at 4:30 AM and after laying there for a while I just got on the road. Drove in the dark for a while and here's the Arkansas sunrise.

Memphis, TN, ahhh starting to see more water.

A little roadside geology of Tennessee

Made it to NC :)

Decided to take a "short cut" from Ashville to Wilmington... I forgot how dark it gets out there. I've been living with the city lights for so long... As you can see from my windshield, I killed a few bugs along the way...

Two days on the road and 1900 miles later... Just kept driving and driving. Lost two hours with the time change, but managed to drive 15 hours a day to make it in to Wilmington by 10:30 last night. Here are some random thoughts from the trip:
  • really, I decided to not get the cruise control package?
  • armadillos are not good at crossing the highway...
  • so much for caffine free! Second day I woke with coffee and then proceeded to get three sodas...
  • I'll need a junk food detox
  • my ipod has amazing battery life
  • $200 in gas... still cheaper than flying
  • everything I own is in this car, just one wrong turn and my existance could be erased!
  • the last 65 miles are torture


yomama said...

Love your journey... we finally have a blog... will add more as the day move along...

NaRiHo said...

Glad you made it home safe and sound.. Nice road pictures - but really motel 6 ? YUK! What no hampton Inn or fairfield Inn ?

Stacey said...

I feel the pain on your long drive and those LOVELY motels! Now that you are back east for a moment, I think it is only about 12 hour drive north......