Monday, May 12, 2008

You know it's over when...

Ssssh, don't tell him but my ex-ex had a birthday this weekend and he wanted me to come to his BBQ on Saturday, and well, I'm trying to grow out my hair so that when I'm in Burma I can just pull it back in a pony tail... well, my hair is very dry and prone to split ends, so when I grow it out, it mostly looks like straw. I cut it all off when I got back from Tanzania and have been really trying to take care of it by not washing it every day. So last Thursday was a washing day so I went Friday without washing and Saturday came and I was looking greasy but kept thinking if I could go one more day the oils would really help my hair. So you see when my ex-ex called to see if I wanted to go to the BBQ I thought, hmmm, go in public looking like a grease ball, or skip the party to continue hydrating my hair, or god forbid wash my hair... My hair care won and I skipped the party :)


NaRiHo said...

Good Choice - but washing your hair is good for it - it's the harsh shampoos or the blow dryer that is bad. So get a mild shampoo and a good conditioner and shampoo whenever you like - just don't blow dry it or rub it with a towel..

Mary Yemma said...

I think you may have been adopted. My hair is the exact opposite.