Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I had my last hypnotherapy appt today... It is not an exaggeration to say that my therapist has saved my life, literally. I was a total mess two years ago when I mustered up the courage to call him and make an appt. Here I am, now, a different person. Yes, I am still sarcastic and bitchy, but I have taken my power back and I will not let it go again. I've learned so many things about myself. Today we worked on closure and letting go. I've had to deal with a lot of that lately. I have given more hugs in the past two weeks than my entire life combined.

As we were working on letting go, Winnie came up. I miss her terribly. I have been thinking about her a lot lately and, seriously, have you seen a cuter face in your life? I have this picture hanging up at work and today I was putting stuff away for the move and thought, damn I miss that dog. Here she is at Ft. Fisher. I am planning on spreading her ashes there when I get back to NC.

So in my usual fashion of making a long story longer, I just wanted to share that it is possible to change your life. Yes at times it sucks and it would be easier to resort to the old ways, but I can't even express to you how worth it, it is. So with this move we have discovered that I am not running from anything, but quite the opposite, I am moving to a place to discover, grow and evolve. This quite unlike my 14 moves in the past 12 years... A new leaf, thank you universe, thank you Jim and thank you ME!

1 comment:

NaRiHo said...

Wow, very powerful , good for you, you've come a long way :)