Yesterday I came home to a card from my vet... In the card every staff member of the office wrote a note in sympathy to my loss of Winnie. The flood gates opened and tears that I didn't think I had left surfaced. I am so grateful that I was able to share so much time with my doggie. Did I tell you that she was found with 56 other dogs at one person's residence? Yeah, disgusting. They picked all the dogs up and brought them to the Dumb Friends League. When I went searching for a dog I knew that I wanted a dog, not a german shepard, golden retriever, just a dog. Well Winnie is just that, dog. In fact she inherited the name JYD because she looked like a Junk Yard Dog.
Not only did my vet send me a card, but they made a donation in Winnie's name to the Morris Animal Foundation. How awesome is that? We focus so much on the yucky-ness in people that we forget that most people are good. My vet's office is filled with good people sharing their energy and time helping people care for their pets.
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